End All Horse Slaughter NOW!
End Horse Slaughter
Below you are going to read some very Disturbing Facts that I found while researching this topic.
Please Visit the links that I have added to see what you can do to help stop the abuse and slaughter
of these beautiful animals.
Total Number of Equines Slaughtered in United States slaughterhouses from
Week Ending 1/5/80 to Week Ending 1/12/00: 3,711,838
Here is the break down of that outrageous number:
Total Equines Slaughtered In l999: 62,813
Total Equines Slaughtered In l998: 72,120
Total Equines Slaughtered In l997: 87,154
Total Equines Slaughtered In l996: 103,687
Total Equines Slaughtered In l995: 109,225
Total Equines Slaughtered In l994: 107,029
Total Equines Slaughtered In l993: 167,310
Total Equines Slaughtered In l992: 246,400
Total Equines Slaughtered In l991: 276,900
Total Equines Slaughtered In l990: 345,700
Total Equines Slaughtered In l989: 348,400
Total Equines Slaughtered In l988: 331,000
Total Equines Slaughtered In l987: 275,700
Total Equines Slaughtered In l986: 202,100
Total Equines Slaughtered In 1985: 128,300
Total Equines Slaughtered In 1984: 105,300
Total Equines Slaughtered in l983: 99,300
Total Equines Slaughtered In 1982: 149,600
Total Equines Slaughtered In 1981: 219,300
Total Equines Slaughtered In 1980: 274,500
For more Information on this Table you can visit:
North American Alliance Against Equine Slaughter
Visit this site to see the wonderful things that Horses can do! Horses being used as therapy to help people overcome fears, traumas or other stressers in life; this therapy has been used for a very long time. I am adding this site link to help you see that Horses are beautiful creatures and they deserve to live.!!

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