Thank you for stopping by to meet our pets!!

This is Koti he is 12 weeks old here.
He is after his lunch in this photo. doesn't he look determined. Our cat spike is
sitting in the chair, you can see him if you look close.
So you could say that our cats really are not bothered by the presence of our dogs.

Here, Koti found his lunch.
Spike (the cat) wasn't bugging him at all. This is the best picture of
Spike that I have right now. You can't tell but he only has one eye,
the other was removed after he was shot in the temple by some person that
was either cruel or careless. What ever it was he survived that & the 3 day
hospital visit. *Smiles* "Spike" was only 4 weeks old or so When my husband
brought him home to me. He & his sister "Missy" were lost at the plant that
he works at. Their mother was nowhere to be found. He brought these babies to
me & we had to bottle feed them.
Now they are big & healthy.

This is Lexi. She is part Rottweiler. She Came to live with us almost 2 years ago,
she use to belong to my Step-Son but he has no interest in her now that he moved.He
left her behind. So she lives with us. She is a really happy dog.
Even happier now that she has a friend to play with.

Missy: She is Spikes sister,
and she doesn't really like
anyone. That is unless nobody is watching. She acts mean
but really she is a sweetheart
it just takes her awhile to warm up to new pets or new people. She was a
stray when she was found w/ her brother "Spike"
and has lived with us since she was 4 weeks old or so.

This is Oscar, he is the latest addition to the feline branch of our family.
He is full of energy & gets ino enough trouble for the rest of them put together.
He is curious about everything & just loves checking out every little thing around him.
He was unsure about the dogs at first, now he kinda just stays out of their way. Oscar
came to live with us because his mother "a stray" found my home & had her babies in my
guest room.
We found them all good homes but Oscar stayed here with us. :)

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